Andrew Leppard's DFB - user help by bonza As u will see when u use DFB, it is a very simple & user friendly file system, while being very powerful. This help file is for the users of a MAX's bbs system with DFB installed, to point out everything DFB has to offer, just incase you miss it.... First off we'll identify whats on the DFB screen... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bonza | File_id.diz | FILENAME - States the name of the file (DuH!) If the name is longer than 15 characters, the sideways arrow keys can be used to scroll through the filename, while the cursor is over that file... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ ^^^^^ Bonza | File_id.diz | the letters next to the filename mean the following "D" DELETED FILE - obviously file has been deleted, but still shows up until sysop optimises file base... "L" LOCKED FILE - file is locked so bbs will not auto-delete when it becomes old.... "N" NEW FILE - some sysops like to check files b4 they become available for everyone to download. so if the sysop wishes u may not be able to download a "new" file until he/she makes the file accessible.... "O" OFFLINE FILE - file has been deleted from HD, but sysop has it backed-up somewhere. leave him/her mail if u want it "+" FREE DOWNLOAD - file can be downloaded & no byte/file credits will be taken.... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ ^^^^ Bonza | File_id.diz | The size of the file in Kilobytes... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ ^ Bonza | File_id.diz | The number of times the file has been downloaded... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^ | File_id.diz | The date the file was placed online.... XXxXxXxX.dms DLNO+ 474k 1 12/dec/95 +----------------------------------+ Bonza | File_id.diz | ^^^^^ The name of the uploader of the file.... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The command line in DFB is the most important feature, it looks like... -» Arrows to select, U)p D)own R)everse S)top --> | Direction files are being listed in Arrows to select - use the up & down cursor keys to move the curosr over the files... Up - Upload a file... Down - Download files... Reverse - a feature unique to DFB! If u accidentilly go past a file you wanted to mark & download, just reverse the direction of the file listing & go back to it! (note: once in reverse mode, reverse again to get back to original listing direction) Stop - Stop listing files & go back to the DFB listing menu... - To continue on down with the file listing... "I" (not shown) - Shows how many Uploads/Downloads, your ratio & remaining credits "E" (not shown) - Edit upload signature Once the cursor is moved up, the command line changes to this... to tag/untag, D)own V)iew R)everse S)top - marks the file you are currently over, ready to download left/right cursor keys - scroll through long file names Down - Download... View - Will allow you to view.... 1) Contents of a Lha archive 2) The complete file if it is a text 3) General info on a .DMS file 4) Contents of a .zip archive (NB: serves no function for .arj & .EXE files) Reverse & stop - serve the same function as previously... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Downloading.... The best method is simply to mark your files & press "D" at which time you will be asked... Do you want to download your maked files (A)bort) [y] ? Where your simply press "Y", if there are any further files you wish to download you can just type in the file name at the next prompt, if not, simply press return again. Now you will be presented with... D)ownload, L)og off after download, A)bort [d] --> Download - continue with your download Log off after download - Log off once your downloads have been completed (NB: a 10 second period is given at the completion of downloads to re-enter the bbs, incase you change your mind.... ) Abort - abort the download sequence... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Marked files buffer... How annoying is it when u mark a whole heap of files & then for some reason lose carrier, or run out of time with only half of em downloaded?? TOTALLY ANNOYING!!! Not anymore with DFB... DFB has a "marked files buffer" where files you've marked but for some reason have not downloaded yet are memorised for you, so the next time you log-on, they'll be there waiting for u, already marked!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uploading... After pressing "U" from the command line, you will be presented with.. Ready for upload, A)bort or Press to continue --> After uploading the file, the file_id.diz will be searched for.. if found it will be used. If no diz is found, type in the description u want & type Q & retrun on a blank line when finished... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If your terminal does not support cursor keys you can use the numbers: 8,2,4 & 6 as up, down, left and right respectively.